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Cycling in San Francisco - Irish Times

Monday 9 January 2012
'Twas a lovely day...
Considering the epic hills to be found throughout San Francisco, it really is a cyclist's city. Everyone rides, and you are given plenty of space on the roads.

When I was there, I only had one dramatic fall. And while I say 'dramatic', what I really mean is... pathetic. I looked pathetic. And when I say fall, what I really mean is... stumble.

I was heading back towards Nob Hill, where I was staying in a friend's apartment, from the Golden Gate Bridge. As I turned right from Fisherman's Wharf, I realised there was a mountain looming ahead. I looked at it. It looked at me. And I decided I take it on. Hell, I can handle hills. I picked up my speed and went at it full pelt, ready to feel victorious at the peak.


I lasted about 5 seconds before I realised there was no way, no physical way possible I could climb this hill. I was defeated. And quickly, too. So I stopped, swung my leg over and then realised something else. My foot was expecting to land on horizontal ground. It wasn't expecting a 30 degree angle, and it didn't know what to do next. So I fell off my stationary bike. It took me a good few seconds to fall, during which time my shoe somehow fell off too and tumbled down the hill.

I've never been so grateful to be on a deserted street.

Sadly, that anecdote didn't make it into my piece for the Irish Times, which you can read here. But it's worth a read anyway.

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