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Autumn days in Leitrim

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The seasons are changing in Leitrim. You can tell, because every conversation begins with

"FUCK! It's cold, isn't it? It's really getting cold. Anyway, how are... FUCK! Sorry, but really, it's very cold."
Trust me. In the last week, it's gotten very cold.

But I've always loved the Autumn. Usually I would wave a sad goodbye to the summer, but as anyone in Leitrim can (and will) tell you, we haven't had a summer this year.

So I'm just enjoying the change of the leaves, the chill in the air, and the excuse to go to bed early without feeling like a child. There's nothing like lighting the first fires of the Autumn, and snuggling up with a book.

There's still enough light in the day to walk the dog in the evening, which is just as well because she's a bitch on heat at the moment. And now I understand the phrase. She is a pain in the HOLE. The other night I was heading out on the bike, and she ran after me. I didn't notice until I was two miles from home, and I had nothing with me to make a lead with. I was furious! I had to use my shoulder bag as a makeshift lead. And then she ate right through the strap.

Anyway, as I can't disown her, I'll begrudgingly walk her around, singing Autumn Days at the top of my lungs.

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