Hove Foodie Fest at the Brighton Festival
Monday, 13 May 2013I was so giddy at the prospect of a FOOD festival on a SUNNY day that I was literally running to the gates. And I am using that word literally. I was literally running. I had to stop pretty quickly, of course, because I can only physically run for twenty metres before my legs give way, but that's besides the point.
We had spent the morning at the amazing Embassy Court apartment building on the seafront. It was a really interesting tour, and I enjoyed every minute, but as the time edged closer to FOOD O'CLOCK, I could barely keep it in.
The chant started low, and, I'll be honest, it didn't catch on.
"Foooodie, Foooooodie, Fooooooodie, Fooooooodie!"
I was hopping back and forward. Foodie!
You know the scene in Bridesmaids where Melissa McCarthy sprints towards the door of the dodgy Brazilliant restaurant? That was me. I was excited.
And if endless fields, by the sea, filled with food tents, wasn't enough, I very quickly had a glass of champagne in my hand.
"Chaaaaaampagne, chaaaaampagne, chaaaaampagne, CHAAAAAMPAGNE!"
Then I had to stop the chanting. Because I was drinking it.
But then I was off. Sausage tents, cheese tents, wine tents, bread tents, chocolate tents. Ice cream! Pulled pork! Gluten free seed tents (ha ha ha, those SAPS) Sushi tents! Cider tents!
I really don't think you're going to get much more out of me than this. This is why I could never be an effective food critic. I just love it all. I could probably be quite a good gluten free seed critic... but I'd never want to be.
What I didn't realise is that this isn't a Brighton thing, but a UK wide thing. So you can catch them around the place all over the summer.
Oh, wait! FUDGE TENTS!
Sorry. But I did get some salted caramel fudge and it was the business.
You'll find all the details about the upcoming festivals here...
But for now, make do with some pictures of people enjoying the FOOD TENTS.
Next year, for the love of god, lets go together. I challenge you to a food off..