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The Seychelles in pictures

Thursday, 30 May 2013
The viewpoint on Mahe Island

You know that misery that descends upon you when you come back from a great trip? Mine took a week to arrive, but has just hit me with full force. I started writing up my piece on the Seychelles this evening, and I just want to weep. Because I want to be in the Seychelles so baaad.

Boo fecking hoo, right? I know, I know. I shouldn't complain that I have just been to the Seychelles, which I know I am technically doing. But.... but.... I want to go there now! I want to feel that heat, the air that's so warm even at 6am (yes, I was up at 6am). I want to go in the warm water, I want to lay on the sand. I want to eat tuna sashimi that tastes like it's hopped from the sea onto my plate. I WANT A CREOLE MOJITO.

The best that I could do is eat a tuna sandwich, whack the heating up and drink Bacardi. But, you know? It's not quite the same thing.

So, to make the pain even worse, I thought I would pop up a few of my favourite pictures up on the blog before I get my act together and write it all up properly here.

Anse Lazio Beach on Praslin Island
Leaving Sainte Anne at dawn

The boat to Praslin

Vallee-de-Mai Nature Reserve 

Anse Lazio Beach

La Digue

Le Domaine de L’Orangeraie

Amazing octopus carpaccio

The presidential suite at Constance Lemuria (Emma Watson stayed here) 
Praslin Island

Praslin sunset

Tee hee hee. The seed of the coco de mer tree is the symbol
of the Seychelles. And it looks like a bottom.

Victoria, the capital

The Hindu temple in Victoria

Mountains of Mahe

Pepe and Tortoise at the Kempinski

Me and a TERRIFYING tortoise

Kayaking at the Kempinski. This picture does NOT do it

1 comment

  1. Duh, Emma Watson is NOT a president.

    It looks so much like a bottom...have they realised that??

    Can we go here together please? Please?


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